Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Tips for preparing GATE's Exam

In my last post I have posted an overview about G.A.T.E Exams. Now here is some tips for those who are preparing for G.A.T.E. 2014. 

Mentally see yourself succeed

First and foremost, see yourself succeed. You have this seed of a dream to clear the GATE exam, water the seed. Believe that you have the ability to clear the exam and that you have cleared the exam. Mentally, if you can visualize yourself clearing the exam, you will physically execute it too. After all, belief can move mountains.

Understand GATE

Now that, mentally, you have decided you are going to clear the exam, try to understand GATE completely - what the exam is all about, the syllabus, the eligibility criteria, the exam pattern, what new elements have been introduced this year. Just try to find out everything about GATE.

Concentrate on the syllabus

Focus on the syllabus. Understand the subjects and the courses involved. Then, look around for study material and books that will cover the syllabus completely. It is of utmost importance that you choose the right study resources. Find such study material that you can easily understand. If you are already taking coaching classes, you may be aware of them or else you can reach out to your college or among your peer group for the same. You will even find good study materials online.

Prepare a timetable

Once you are clear about the syllabus, chalk down a timetable to complete the syllabus well in time. It is usually recommended that you finish preparation of the course 45 days before the exam. These 45 days will then be used for revision and solving question papers. The routine has to cover the completion of all the subjects and topics, because you simply cannot afford to miss out on even one topic. Make a routine keeping these points in mind.

Follow the timetable

This is of utmost importance. Many would make the timetable, but following it would be a difficult task. The moment you feel like neglecting the routine, remember the image that you had in mind of clearing the GATE exam and go back to it. The routine is going to be your guiding force till you complete the exam. Please do not cheat on it. In fact, what you can do is have a small competition with yourself everyday, where you challenge yourself to complete the course in fewer days than been specified in the schedule.

Concentrate on concepts

As you begin following the schedule and picking up each topic, the focus should be to have clear concepts in mind. The questions are usually based on your concepts and clear understanding of the subject. The clearer your concept on each topic, the more confident you become of the subject. Refer to books by various authors, refer to different study material on the same topic till your concepts are clear.

Make notes

As you are studying, keep making notes. These notes should be made in such a manner that they help you when you are revising before the exam. Refer to past question papers

As you are following the routine and completing the syllabus, refer to past question papers. At the end of each topic, refer to the past question paper and see where you stand. Past question papers can give you an idea as to what to expect. From 2014, the exam will be conducted online, but it still would be wise to refer to the past pattern. Try to refer to and solve as many question papers as possible.

Take mock tests

There are tests that allow you to evaluate yourself. These tests come in the form of books, CDs, or you may even find them online. Take these tests and evaluate your performance. This will give you an idea about your level of preparedness and the areas that you have to concentrate on.

Check if you are on time

Always refer to the timetable that you have set for yourself. Check if you are following the schedule diligently and if the preparation is on track. In case you hit roadblocks, try to address them. For instance, one the most common issues that students face is tackling the non-interesting subjects. How do you do that? Well, here is a way:

Divide the syllabus into high scoring and less scoring. Then, first tackle the high scoring portion, then gradually come down to the low scoring ones. Similarly, find ways and means to tackle any issue that may pose an impediment in following the routine. 

Some Important Links For You.

GATE 2014 :

GATE papers and structure :

Important dates :

Mock tests :


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  1. Thanks for posting this comment this will help me to make strategy for GATE exam when I will have GATE books and GATE syllabus 2016 on may hands.



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